My decision to give up a law career and become a Doctor of Chiropractic is the most important thing to know about why I do what I do.
It’s a curious thing that we have a $3.2 trillion (in 2015) “wellness industry,” yet masses of people are seriously sick and dying from disease. There are now more unwell than well people in the world.
And I used to be one of them.
Perhaps you are too. Maybe you or someone you love has allergies, fatigue, obesity, autism, gut issues, depression, dementia, heart disease, even cancer.
Your whole world can shift in a New York minute when you receive an unwanted diagnosis or just can no longer function in your life as you once knew it. You are not alone, yet true healing is a journey you must take on your own.
I have officially been in the wellness world for over two decades. I continue to learn about what it means to fully live and be well. New and better research is available every day. Somethings I did 20 years ago, I no longer do today. Other practices and principles are timeless.
So how did I get from an overweight, sugar-addicted teenager to an energetic, passionate wellness advocate?
Growing up we pretty much ate anything we wanted, most of it processed and packed with sugar. Any pennies I saved were spent on sweets like Everlasting Gobstoppers...somehow, they never lasted that long. My teeth were probably the first to suffer. Our family dentist routinely joked that I was single-handedly funding his retirement. My parents couldn’t understand why, with all of their pleading for me to brush my teeth, they were still full of holes.
Every February I got a chest infection. Rounds of antibiotics were prescribed for just about everything. Being unusually clumsy, I hit my head a lot.
As a teenager, I was painfully self-conscious. And shortly after my father passed from pancreatic cancer, I started to put on weight. It became a game of yo-yo weight loss followed by weight gain that would last for many years.
I didn’t know it at the time, but I was destroying my health with extreme diets, including bulimia and laxative abuse. The repetitive stuffing of my belly quickly followed by purging it all back up, created a hiatus hernia and acid reflux. That, combined with crippling low back pain and headaches, led me to a local chiropractor.
My sister and brother-in-law had been urging me for years to go see their chiropractor. They raved about how it helped, not just their spines, but also their health and energy.
I had absolutely no clue what they were talking about.
But, desperate times call for desperate measures.
So, I went in. After my first few visits, I was in worse pain and more than a little nervous. But then, suddenly, all the pain just disappeared.
When I was no longer popping pain killers like Tic Tacs, I realised the headaches were gone. The hiatus hernia and reflux? Gone. Low back pain? Gone. Now, if I don’t use proper posture or over exert myself, I will get some pain, but nothing like the debilitating pain I suffered in the early 1990’s.
Yes, I was impressed. But still I had no thought of wellness as a career. I had just graduated summa cum laude with Bachelor of Arts degrees in Psychology and in Advertising. I was young, in love with a boy from Cork, and on my way to law school.
But I needed a job to fund it.
So, I applied for a job as a chiropractic assistant at my local chiropractor’s office. And that’s when I had another New York minute.
In order to be interviewed for the job, we first had to listen to the doctor’s health care class.
Yawn. Or so I thought.
Dr. Hinsch began with describing this thing he called intelligence or a universal force, that animates and organises all living things. He told us that this intelligence operated perfectly or at 100%. And, if it was communicating throughout the body and mind without interference, health was the inevitable result. He claimed, health, or wellness, was our natural state.
And then he gave us the evidence. A cut heals, not from the bandage, but from this intelligence. The body just somehow knows what to do to fix it. And from the joining of an egg and a sperm comes a cell, and then two cells, and then…a human being!
There were more examples. But my mind was made up. I looked around the room and thought to myself, “I am sorry ladies, but this job is mine.”
And so, it was.
Every day people entered Dr. Hinsch’s office unwell and in pain, then left in a better state. They would be smiling, happier, healthier. We saw miracles happen. And we witnessed the innate healing power of life on a daily basis.
I still really loved studying and debating the law. But, I was also in love with this guiding principle that life is intelligent, and we are designed to be well. So, I gave up my place at law school and applied to chiropractic college.
My mother was devastated.
As a registered nurse, she was taught that chiropractors were quacks who just were out to take people’s money. I cannot recall how many times she asked me, “Are you really sure you want to be chiropractor?” Luckily, I found it mildly amusing.
See, she had told me from childhood that I would be a doctor or a lawyer. And she was right. I chose to be a Doctor of Chiropractic, a decision which changed the course of my life and health forever.
Between then and now, there are many things I have come to understand about what is required to be truly well. One of the most important being the power of the mind to create either tragedy or triumph.
My work has transitioned from chiropractic practice to sharing powerful information and working with people and businesses directly to get better results and transform their lives.
Here are a few those things I have seen that can prevent people from getting well and getting results they want:
1. Being unwilling to examine one’s own thoughts and underlying motivations.
2. Not having the proper tools and guidance.
3. Holding on to the past.
4. Judgement and blaming of oneself and others.
5. Not making peace with one’s relationship with their parents.
6. Getting too busy, and using busyness as an excuse to avoid healthy habits.
7. Not learning how to properly use the mind to work for you, instead of against you.
8. Allowing negative thoughts to overrun the mind, the way weeds overrun a garden.
9. Looking for others’ approval, and compromising the self for love and attention.
10. Not listening to their own gut or intuition.
The reality is, you can eat the so-called healthiest diet, exercise regularly, and even dabble in meditation, but if you have areas in your life that are out of integrity with your true nature, the body and your relationships will inevitably break down.
But the good news is I have seen plenty of people become honest with themselves, and so take back control of their lives and state of being.
Here are some of the key things these people do to get well and get results they want:
1. Daily relaxation and quiet time.
2. Daily reflection on their thoughts, patterns and behaviours.
3. Allow themselves and others the freedom to make their own choices.
4. Let go of the need to change others or blame others.
5. Get the proper tools and guidance to see more clearly and make better choices.
6. See how they are the common denominator in every area of their lives and relationships.
7. Become very aware of their own thoughts without engaging with them.
8. Replace negative thoughts with positive or more useful and supportive ones.
9. Realise all change is an inside job.
10. Come to understand, in some way, this intelligence within themselves.
These lists may not include everything that creates wellness, but they do cover the most important things:
1. Total honesty with yourself.
2. Understanding that everything you need is already within you.
So, for now, just do what you can do in this moment.
In the moment you are in, make the best choice you can. Choose what will give you your best energy right now. Then that energy will help you see more clearly. When you have the energy to really see, you will be able to make even better choices.
And change happens. You become stronger mentally, physically and even spiritually. Your relationship with yourself heals, and that inner integrity allows every part of your life to develop and prosper. This becomes a movement that affects those you love, those around you, and ultimately the entire world.
Wellness creates not just health, but freedom.
It is my deepest wish that you experience true wellness. And it is my passion to shine a little light on this journey that we are on together called Life.
So, I have created a free online resource for you at where you can find tips and tools to assist you on your path to wellness.
I look forward to meeting you there.
Dr. Glo
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